My Monthly Budget

Detailed Results

$ $ $
Income Allocated Remaining

How does my personal budget compare to the 50/30/20 rule of thumb?

Good Job!

You have an extra $. Consider putting it towards savings or paying down any more debt you have.

50/30/20 My Budget Difference
Needs $ $ $
Wants $ $ $
Savings $ $ $

The 50/30/20 budgeting approach can be a helpful way to get started with budgeting. It’s a simple rule of thumb that suggests you put up to 50% of your after-tax income toward things you need, 30% toward things you want, and 20% toward savings.

The Budget Calculator is an interactive, online experience to help you create a monthly budget. The analysis in this experience is based on the information provided by you. This information does not serve, either directly or indirectly, as legal, financial or tax advice and you should always

consult a qualified professional legal, financial and/or tax advisor when making decisions relative to your individual tax situation.

IMPORTANT: The illustrations or other information generated by the calculators are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results.